Introducing one of the main characters of STAR CX. Flaira – Until her dashing escape from the terrifying Hruks, Flaira was held captive for many human lifetimes.

STAR CX: VS 1 – Available Now!

The day has finally come! The extremely anticipated release of STAR CX: Verse 1 – A Saga of Starcrossed Souls has arrived**.

STAR CX: Giveaway!

I am giving away free copies of my newest book STAR CX: VS 1 – A Saga of Starcrossed Souls.


THE FINAL PROOF COPY HAS ARRIVED!!! Finally, got to hold my creation in my hands and I have to say it is a lot slimmer than I thought it would be (that’s what she said).

LaTeX and Novel Formatting

Completing a book is the main goal for all authors and writers alike, but that certainly isn’t the end of the hard work, especially if you are an independent author who needs to look at editing, typesetting, cover art, formatting for ebook and print(two very different things), and everyone’s least favorite – advertising.

My First Con!

Stew here, just got back from my first ever Con! It was a great learning experience and although it was a smaller one I’m very happy with the amount of books I sold.

Doodles and fun

As a hobby and as a nice way to relax while watching TV or whatever, and when I am stuck on a particular part of the story I am writing I have found that drawing is a great hobby for me.